Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Antibullying Advocacy PSA

I'm really becoming emotionally invested in this antibullying advocacy. I think our group is creating a powerful PSA. At first, I think one reason we chose bullying as our topic was that we felt we could find a lot of information on the topic. However, as we work on this advocacy project more and more I, for one, am becoming more involved in the topic and it's importance. Tonight I recorded my daughters each saying two lines from a poem about bullying we are using in our video. I am amazed at how much I was affected by their performances. I let each of them choose the lines they wanted to say. They each have experienced being bullied so they were able to relate to the topic and I think that made the video more true to life.
What a powerful tool digital video could be in the classroom! If students are allowed to choose a topic that is meaningful to them some incredible videos could be produced. The work required to produce the video would engage the student and even if they weren't heavily interested in the topic in the beginning, they would soon have a feeling of ownership which would motivate them to do a good job.


Carlene said...


When I asked adults to read lines, some said that they were so sad. I think just reading the poem made them think about how bad bullying is to the victim,


Jodi said...

I can't wait to watch your video. Bullying is an issue that creates difficulty for kids. By raising awareness of the issue do you think we can change practice? How do we help students especially young children realize how their words and actions impact others?

Bill Warrick said...

You had a really great PSA! Thank you!
