Monday, June 25, 2007

Advocacy Wikisite, It's a Wrap!

Carlene and I finished our antibullying podcast and staff development on Thursday. Kevin wrote a terrific letter to post on the advocacy site. We are almost done...just a few cosmetic changes are left. I am proud of our antibullying site. Check it out!
I have learned much about bullying by doing the assignments for the advocacy site. This problem has really touched me. I was more affected than I thought I would be when I filmed my daughters reciting part of the poem on bullying for our PSA. I am definitely going to be more aware of the interactions of my students and more sensitive to any possible bullying going on. As adults working with children we need to take responsibility for ending harassment of students and by students. "Take a stand. Lend a hand. Stop bullying NOW."


Steve said...

Hey, can we use the site to raise awareness at the start of school?
It would be neat to sent the other teachers to your Wiki and to let them watch your video.

Sam said...

Yes, absolutely! I'm glad you think it's good enough to use.