Friday, May 25, 2007

Using Blogs in Classes

I'm excited about the possibilities of using blogs with students and instead of I think it will be a great alternative to having the students keep science journals. This way they can easily comment on eachother's thoughts and observations. I think it's possible that students may get new insights and perspectives this way.
I also like the idea of using a blog to post assignments instead of using a homework board. Will "Angel" have this capability?

Friday, May 18, 2007

May 18, 2007
Wow! We're off and running on the summer semester. The movie set the tone (and the pace, it seems) for the semester. I liked the movie very much, though if one thinks about it, it's a little scary. The world is changing so rapidly due to the Internet, and web 2 makes it change even faster. Information is exchanged, modified, dispersed, and modified again so rapidly. Should there be controls? I don't know how I feel about that yet. I'm still trying to digest it all. Yet, it seems to me that it requires an incredible amount of trust in others (strangers) to edit incorrect information and not to put out false information or even propaganda. How do we know what to believe? What credentials should we look for to feel confident that what we read is verifiable?